Southern Humboldt Community Park, 1144 Sprowl Creek Road, Garberville CA

Barrels, Single Stake, Sheep riding, Calf riding,
Steer Riding and the Calf Ribbon Scramble!
Calf Scramble is sponsored by Bushnell Ranch! Thank you Michelle!
It’s boots and chaps
It’s cowboy hats
It’s spurs and latigo
It’s the ropes and the reins
And the joy and the pain
And they call the thing rodeo
Garth Brooks
Steer Riding and the Calf Ribbon Scramble!
Calf Scramble is sponsored by Bushnell Ranch! Thank you Michelle!
It’s boots and chaps
It’s cowboy hats
It’s spurs and latigo
It’s the ropes and the reins
And the joy and the pain
And they call the thing rodeo
Garth Brooks
Did you hear the story about the runaway horse? It’s a terrible tale of WHOA!

This year Check-in and sign up for junior rodeo will be :
7 pm sign-up on Friday at the Bull Riding,
12:00-12:30 pm Sat., for sign up and check-in,
Southern Humboldt Community Park. See information and form link below! Questions? Get in touch with Taylor Whitley [email protected]
Photo provided Lynn Harrington, 2014 JR Rodeo
Rodeo in the Redwoods Jr. Rodeo 2024
1144 Sprowl Creek Rd. Garberville
Saturday June 15th 2023, 1:00 pm
Barrels -- Age 9-12 $35.00
Barrels -- Age 13-18 $35.00
Single Stake -- Age 9-12 $35.00
Single Stake -- Age 13-18 $35.00
Mutton Busting $30.00
(entries must be 50 lbs or less)
Calf Riding $30.00
Steer Riding $30.00
Grand Entry starts at 1:00pm followed by barrels, mutton busting, calf riding and steer riding.
* Calf ribbon un-tie Sponsored by Bushnell Ranch will conclude the Jr Rodeo,
there is no entry fee, everyone must sign a release of liability.
Barrel racers- Signups close at 6:00pm Friday June 14th 1 horse per person,
fastest time wins. 50% payout, 1st and 2nd place payout.
Rough stock riders- Signups close at 12:30 June 15th.
All riders must be in long jeans, long sleeve button up shirt and boots. NO EXCEPTIONS.
50% payout 1st 2nd, and 3rd place payout
Any questions please call Taylor @ 707-223-1046 or
email [email protected]
1144 Sprowl Creek Rd. Garberville
Saturday June 15th 2023, 1:00 pm
Barrels -- Age 9-12 $35.00
Barrels -- Age 13-18 $35.00
Single Stake -- Age 9-12 $35.00
Single Stake -- Age 13-18 $35.00
Mutton Busting $30.00
(entries must be 50 lbs or less)
Calf Riding $30.00
Steer Riding $30.00
Grand Entry starts at 1:00pm followed by barrels, mutton busting, calf riding and steer riding.
* Calf ribbon un-tie Sponsored by Bushnell Ranch will conclude the Jr Rodeo,
there is no entry fee, everyone must sign a release of liability.
Barrel racers- Signups close at 6:00pm Friday June 14th 1 horse per person,
fastest time wins. 50% payout, 1st and 2nd place payout.
Rough stock riders- Signups close at 12:30 June 15th.
All riders must be in long jeans, long sleeve button up shirt and boots. NO EXCEPTIONS.
50% payout 1st 2nd, and 3rd place payout
Any questions please call Taylor @ 707-223-1046 or
email [email protected]
Photo of the 2014 JR Rodeo are by Sarah Rea